LABOR LAW EXPERTS (Rome and Naples offices)
Expert in labor law, even part-time, who will provide assistance and advice in the field of labor law and social security to client institutions and companies, specifically: answers to synthetic questions (ticketing service), supply of opinions, interpretation of regulations, drafting of contracts, industrial and trade union relations, collective bargaining, regulatory, contributory, tax concessions, management of out-of-court disputes regarding tax and social security work, reconciliation of employment relationships, management of the newsletter, etc. Specific experience of at least 3 years in the role is required. Compensation and placement on the basis of actual skills, a degree in legal-economic subjects and specific previous experience is required, professional qualification is welcome.
Payroll and contribution specialist (Rome and Naples offices)
Personnel administration officer who deals with the management of employment relationships (grading, contracts, incentives), to make communications to the responsible bodies (INPS, INAIL, Cassa Edile, etc.) , the application of legislation and contracts, the payroll and contribution processing process and related practices (eg deferrals, layoffs, amicable notices, etc.). Classification and remuneration based on actual skills. A degree in juridical-economic subjects is welcome, previous experience of at least 24 months in the role is required.
Part time software programmer (Rome and Naples offices)
Frontend and Backend software programmer-developer, with at least 3 years of specific experience, who will deal with the development and maintenance of internal management software and the implementation and programming of IT processes. It's requested:
The profile is completed by good interpersonal and organizational skills and orientation to results, classification and remuneration will be established on the basis of actual skills.